October 23, 2023 – This Week at McIvor

2023-10-29 Encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
Weekly Worship Service

Our next weekly service will be Sunday, October 29 at 10 a.m. when we will be welcoming new members to the McIvor family! Following the service, children ages 4-14 are invited to join us for Sunday School. 

Prayer Focus: Fresh Revelation of the Father’s Love

But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.Romans 5:8

…God’s love has been abundantly poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.Romans 5:5

So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.John 13:34-35 

Family News

Our condolences to Alice Macdonald, whose brother Jake Froese passed away October 12 at Donwood. The funeral service was Wednesday, October 18. Please pray for Alice and her family during this difficult time.

Opportunity to Join McIvor – This Sunday

There will be an opportunity to join McIvor Church this Sunday. If you are interested in formal church membership please contact Pastor Kim.

MCC Buckets of Thanks

The McIvor Missions Committee is once again participating in the MCC Buckets of Thanks as our project. Please consult the website for items to be included in the relief bucket or see the display in the foyer. We are asking congregants to bring items off of the lists at the table. You do not need to fill a bucket on your own. We will then distribute the collected items between the buckets and use the funds that come in to buy the items that are still required. Thank you!

Donations of Fall and Winter Clothing

Anna Kakozi and the Missions Committee are hoping to assist several families who have recently arrived from the Democratic Republic of Congo by collecting fall and winter clothing for adults and children. Donations may be dropped off at the office. Contact Colleen for details.

Are You Passionate About Ministering to Young Adults?

If so, we are looking for people to serve as prayer warriors, worship leaders, ushers, baristas, speakers, etc. to be a part of a monthly Young Adult Worship and Prayer Ministry evening. Please contact Elwood or Pastor Mikayla.

Kids Club Ministry – Do you love kids and building relationships with them?

Our midweek Kids Club has successfully begun! Thank you to everyone who has volunteered! We are still looking for a few people who would be willing to help in our Lego room once a month and some volunteers who would be willing to serve as casual subs. If you are willing to serve in either of these capacities, please contact Monica or Pastor Kim

Staying Connected Weekly Newsletter

This weekly newsletter for our Church family is available here. A limited number of hard copies are available at the Connect Center and/or near the mailboxes.

Watch Our Services

Our worship services are available to livestream or watch at your convenience.

** Please consult the bulletin board for other events and opportunities, including missionary updates and job postings. **

This Week at McIvor
  • Monday, 7 p.m. – Pickleball (The church has racquets available for use.)
  • Wednesday, 7 p.m. – Youth Group
  • Wednesday, 7 p.m. – Kids Club (grades 2-5)
  • Thursday, 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. – Harvest Manitoba Food Bank
  • Sunday, 10 a.m. – Weekly Worship Service, followed by Sunday School for children ages 4-14
Looking Ahead
  • October 31, 6:30-8 p.m. – Movers and Shakers Group
  • November 1, 9:30-11:30 a.m. – Quilt Tying
  • November 3, 7 p.m. – Young Adult Worship Night: Encountering God
  • November 7, 3-8 p.m. – Quilters Group
  • November 21, 9:30-11 a.m. – 55+ Walk & Talk Group

** Church office hours are Tuesday, to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. **