June 5, 2023 – This Week at McIvor

Weekly Service

Our weekly service this Sunday, June 11, 2023 at 10 a.m. will include a sermon by Pastor Kim entitled, Good to Great: Knowing Your Enemy.

Celebration Sunday

On June 11 we want to celebrate with our Sunday School kids and graduates. If you know of someone in the congregation who has graduated from any kind of post secondary school please let the office know so that we can include them in this celebration.

Help Send Kids to Camp Arnes

We have the opportunity to help send children to camp who might not otherwise be able to go. By giving to the campership program of Camp Arnes, we will help to provide the funds necessary for kids to spend a week at camp and to experience the love of Jesus. Please see the display in the front foyer and contact Colleen for more details.

Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches AGM – Grace and Truth (John 1:14-17)

The Canadian Conference AGM is taking place virtually on June 8. Please consider being a delegate to this important event in the life of our national assembly of churches. If you would like more information on this event or would like to register as a delegate, please speak with Ron. More information.

Audio Team

Our Audio Team is looking for someone interested in learning the sound system to join the team. Please talk to Anne for more information.


Let’s be in prayer for our youth as they close out their year of weekly gatherings on the 21st of June. Pray that the Lord would keep them close to Himself and that they would be solid witnesses to their friends and families.

May we not be content with simply good, in terms of our Christian witness or our relationship with Jesus, but may we be determined to whole-heartedly pursue greatness.

** Please consult the bulletin board for other community events and for volunteer and employment opportunities. **

This Week at McIvor
  • Tuesday 3:30-8 p.m. Quilters 
  • Wednesday 7 p.m. – Youth Night
  • Thursday 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. – Harvest Manitoba Food Bank
  • Thursday 6-8 p.m. Canadian Conference of MB Churches AGM (online)
  • Thursday 7 p.m. Women’s Bible Study
Looking Ahead
  • June 11 10 a.m. Celebration Sunday
  • June 13 9:30-11 a.m. 55+ Walk & Talk
  • June 13 3:30-8 p.m. Quilters

** Church office hours Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. **

Reimbursement Cheque Request Forms are available in the office mailbox.