Weekly Worship Service
Our next weekly service will be Sunday, September 10 at 10 a.m. Spencer Koop will be speaking on The Hard Sayings of Jesus: You Must Be Perfect, from Matthew 5:43-48.
Message from Elizabeth
“Thank you very sincerely for your many expressions of love–especially your prayers–in the past 10 weeks! It is a true gift to experience the support and care of a church family. Complete recovery from my back surgery is expected to take 18 months. The surgeon was pleased with the x-rays at my recent appointment and has lifted some restrictions, although bending and twisting will have to wait until next June. I would appreciate your prayers as I continue to recover.”
Update from Council – Congregational Vote September 10
We are down two members for Church Council this fall. Through prayerful discernment and the work of the Discernment Team, we have two candidates to fill these vacancies: Karin Friesen and Natasha Geddert!
As per our constitution, we need to vote to affirm them joining Council. We will proceed with a congressional vote to confirm and affirm them right after the service on September 10. Please attend and participate in the vote to join in this important work.
Ron Dyck, Moderator
Ushers Needed
We are looking for people willing to serve as ushers one Sunday a month. If you would like to be a part of this team that helps welcome people with a friendly smile and facilitate smooth worship services, contact Rodney.
Kids Club Ministry – Do you love kids and building relationships with them?
Our youth group is thriving and there is a growing need for a Kids Club Ministry (grade 2-5). Most roles do not require preparation, or a weekly commitment! If you are interested, or would like more information contact Monica or Pastor Kim.
Staying Connected Weekly Newsletter
This weekly newsletter for our Church family is available here. A limited number of hard copies are available at the Connect Center and/or near the mailboxes.
Watch Our Services
Our worship services are available to livestream or watch at your convenience.
** Please consult the bulletin board for other events and opportunities, including missionary updates and job postings. **
This Week at McIvor
- Tuesday, 3-8 p.m. – Quilters Group
- Thursday, 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. – Harvest Manitoba Food Bank
Looking Ahead
- September 10, 10 a.m. – Worship Service
- September 12, 3-8 p.m. – Quilters Group
** Church office hours are Tuesday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. **